Wouldn’t it be cool if there was some way to send a mobile message to anyone with a smart phone that just walked by your business? With Bluetooth marketing, this is completely possible! With Bluetooth marketing, whenever someone walks by your store they will receive a message asking permission to receive your content. If the person clicks yes, they will “opt in” and receive your message; this message should probably entice them to come into your store with a discount. If the person says no, this cool software will remember each and every phone, so that the people who decline your “opt in” will never be spammed or bothered again by your Bluetooth marketing system.
To make Bluetooth marketing a possibility for your business (or the business you are helping), first, download a special software license and purchase a Bluetooth dongle (antennae), I provided links to the best software/hardware on the market below.
After this, you will need to run both of them on your windows PC. After setting this up, you can send a video promotion, an image promotion, or a message asking them to opt in to your Yep-?Text account for future mass text promotions! How cool is that?
Bluetooth marketing is a new and exciting marketing channel, especially since smart phones (with Bluetooth technology) sales are growing in both the United States and the rest of the world. If you just look at the 300,000 android phones that are being sold a day in the United States alone, you will realize that within a few years all phones will be Bluetooth enabled smart phones. Why not jump on board now? Nobody has a clue that this type of proximity marketing even exists!
To make Bluetooth marketing a possibility for your business (or the business you are helping), first, download a special software license and purchase a Bluetooth dongle (antennae), I provided links to the best software/hardware on the market below.
After this, you will need to run both of them on your windows PC. After setting this up, you can send a video promotion, an image promotion, or a message asking them to opt in to your Yep-?Text account for future mass text promotions! How cool is that?
- Bluetooth marketing will occur 100% on autopilot once the system is set up!
- It will also be completely FREE marketing once the system is purchased and in place!
- The range will be approximately 250 meters (about 750 E.) in all directions from your business.

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